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The New Fund Order

Deep from inside the City's shadows... author, speaker, NED and ex investment gatekeeper Jon 'JB' Beckett explores the Industry's taboo and hot topics. Dear Citizens of the People's Republic of Podcast, welcome! The New Fund Order is here; from existential risk to the human condition, a contrarian exploration of the Darkside, the Frontier and the Fringe of; Asset Management, Finance, Fintech, Mutual Funds and Macro. Bringing you news, views and interviews. Like a philosophy-economics mash up with science fiction, B-movies, Kung Fu films, cold war spy films, to Spaghetti Westerns... all delivered from the left-field with an Orwellian chill.. #newfundorder ALL VIEWS ARE INDEPENDENT. PLEASE check out my book website: and Youtube channel Season 2 ‘Fight Club’ is here ...

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